A Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface for Smart Home Control

Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface :

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) provide a new communication channel between the human brain and a computer without using any muscle activities. Applications of BCI systems comprise communication, restoration of movements or environmental control. Within this study we propose a combined P300 and steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) based BCI system for controlling finally a smart home environment. Firstly a P300 based BCI system was developed and tested in a virtual smart home environment implementation to work with a high accuracy and a high degree of freedom. Secondly, in order to initiate and stop the operation of the P300 BCI a SSVEP based toggle switch was implemented. Results indicate that a P300 based system is very well suitable for applications with several controllable devices and where a discrete control command is desired. A SSVEP based system is more suitable if a continuous control signal is needed and the number of commands is rather limited. The combination of a SSVEP based BCI as a toggle switch to initiate and stop the P300 selection yielded in all subjects’ very high reliability and accuracy
SM4all – smart home control with BCI

Beside virtual worlds BCI systems can also be used to control real environments. Therefore smart homes are developed that allow independent living. Within an European Union project called SM4ALL a middleware platform is developed that allows to control multiple demotic devices with a BCI system.
The Pervasive Layer gives access to the hardware infrastructure. Different devices and sensors can communicate with the layer (lights, washing machine, doors, temperature sensors ….) and the embedded software on top of them make services available to the composition layer.

The Composition Layer consists of all the components needed to automatically satisfy user needs. It contains the user profile and context manager that prepares the home and user interface according to certain states of the house. Services are described in the repository.

The User Layer provides the interface for controlling the house either with a web-     interface on a computer or with the BCI system.