Railway tracking System

      Research on Rail Safety Security System
This paper analysis of  the integrated use of safety monitoring with the domestic and international latest research on rail safety protection system, and focus on the implementation of an organic whole system, with the monitoring and early warning, risk assessment, predictive control and emergency rescue system. The system framework, contents and system structure of Security system is proposed completely. It’s pointed out that the Security system is a negative feedback system composed of by safety monitoring and warning system, risk assessment and emergency rescue system. Safety monitoring and warning system focus on the monitoring target monitoring, early warning, tracking, integration of decision-making, for objective and subjective risks factors. Risk assessment system analysis the occurrence of a major Security risk mechanism, determines the standard of the future short, medium and long term safety conditions, and give prop for development of safety indicators, accident analysis and safety standards. Emergency rescue system is with the goal of rapid and effective rescue work for accident, to minimize casualties and property losses.
Along with the transportation develops towards high-speed, high-density, over loading, technique concentrated, complex of the technique systemic constitute, and the high linkage between business system, the safety Security work will face exceptional severe challenge. The objects related to safety Security consist of natural disasters, foundation devices and emergencies. Any local damage and un-control may evolve to a global damage and un-control during the subway is in motion and do business. However, now the question of safety Security system is that the apply and analysis on information of safety monitoring is on start-up period, the whole benefit of prediction control and emergency rescue by monitor data has not yet been fully developed, the primary cause of the problem is lack of systemic rail transportation Security and technology criterion which is adaptive to the system and possess the industry characteristic. Following the development of the system on safety monitoring and early warming, it will accumulate a mass of Security monitoring data. If the data is effectively fusion, storage, and synthetically applied, the Co-relational research on rail transportation safety Security system is becoming highly valued step by step in recent years. Research on the theory and technology of rail transportation safety Security has bear fruit according to the literatures. Literature [1] described the depart control of rail transportation operating system and presented the optimal strategy and realize of depart intelligent decision support system based on Petri net. Literature [2] formally modeled definition, design and realization of the self-check function in automatic driving control software. Literature [3] had researched the analysis and design of the train strategic decision supporting system by using the method facing objects. Literature [4] optimized the train’s initiative driving by using linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) method and hereditary algorithm. Literature [5] presented and brought out the distributed strategy decision supporting system of the train station and train control along the line. Literature [6] researched the optimized operation of the train based on the neural networks. All of these achievements paved the path to build and improve the rail intelligent train control system and rail transportation scourges prevention facing the safety Security. It also invested abundant of labour power and financial resources to keep away and control the scourges, thereby the whole scourge early warning and monitor political system is formed. The system of scourge early warming used scientific early warming methods, gathered every kind of external data leading to scourge, advanced early warming to scourges such as flooded line and collapsed line, carried out responding scourge warming, formulated travelling regulation under scourges, which prevented the accidents of scourge and Security transportation safety. Scourge monitoring system directly monitored the scourges which are difficultly predicted, such as rolling stones, collapse, broken bridges, which ensured the running train can stop in time and transferred the information to any departments. The system frame of American rail traffic intelligent transportation system, which named IRS, contained system frame of proactive train controlling system, which can be used to control train safety, reliable, punctual, effective operating, and by avoiding train colliding, decreasing the negligence of rail road workers, reducing facilities broken and over speed accidents. The standard current situation of international standardization institution and each country safety Security system concerning is:
UTC (Union International des Chemise defers, International Union of railways), UTC is the biggest international standardization institution of the world rail transportation. This organization is a non-government international rail transportation institute, which is subject of European rail transportation, and China is one member country in it. A set of standardizations related to safety Security system quickly developed for it. (2) ISO, ISO related to the rail transportation standard is the 45 item-rail transportation projects. Although now the part of ISO rail transportation is emphasized on project material, but these standards are closely interrelated to transportation safety. (3) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), IEEE standardization committee is responsible for the survey, impel, management of IEEE standard, pondering and proposing IEEE standard. For the past few years, IEEE standardization committee is very active in standardization research part of rail transportation information and control, closely follow after releasing many standards in this region, and some parts is related to transportation safety [7]. (4) ERRI (ERRI European Rail Research Institute)ERRI is under the lead of UIC and it is a rail technical research institute which gathers rail traffic engineers in every country. Meanwhile, along with the typical RITS system-ERTMS continually deepens, ERRI plays a decisive role in the forming of the world rail traffic standard. (5) JIS, section E in JIS standard object is directly related to rail transportation, including line general standard, locomotive signal, signal servicing installation, rail traffic vehicle general standard , high-speed train , passenger and freight vehicle, tight wire railway standard. JIS present standardization strategy of the same.
 Rail traffic safety system is composed of three parts: the safety monitoring and early warning system, risk assessment system and emergency rescue system. Emergency rescue system is centre, safety monitoring and early warning and risk assessment system is the means. In this system, safety monitoring warning system is controller and transportation safety factors is the object; the input is a closed-loop system of emergency rescue level. Among them, safety factors are generalized concepts, including not only individual subjective and objective factors which lead to the danger, but also the relationship between factors and combination Safety monitoring and early warning system Rail traffic safety monitoring and early warning system is aiming at subjective and hidden danger factors. Monitoring network is composed by monitoring stations, and observing monitoring target, tracking, early warning, recognizing, monitoring and reporting the development state. The monitoring content is composed of operation action of person in key position, the running condition of vehicle, the vehicle loading condition and infrastructure condition; transportation safety synthetically monitoring information base is formed by information fusion, providing timely information to prevention, predicting of hidden danger and emergency rescue. Safety monitoring and early warning system uses distributed network monitoring stations to monitor, track the safety station of targets. The key technology of rail traffic safety monitoring and early warning system is system interface. System interface contains not only integration technology of site safety monitoring system, but also information exchange technology of safety subsystems interconnection or integration. The contents include the classification of the interface, form of structure and realization. According to the technical content and layer of structure, system interface is divided into: system interface and monitoring level interface. System interface: system interface refers to the safety monitoring system and the interface of each safety subsystem. System interface integrates and plans subsystem information base on the aspects of system interconnection, part function, characteristic and structure, builds uniform standard information storage structure, organization structure, circulation mechanism, Monitoring level interface: monitoring level is that safety subsystem interface processes the data collection and forms standardized interface. Monitoring level interface is related to their own function features of safety device. ii. Early warning decision-making of monitoring network the same major safety monitoring system in monitoring network which deployed at the site is independence. Because of the monitoring results are influenced by many random factors, the single point estimation judgement may not be necessarily accurate in monitoring and warning, which means false alarm and leakage alarm(false alarm is that target under monitoring system is out of action, but it actual trouble-free. False alarm rate is in a period, the number of fault alarm displaying contrast to the total alarm displaying). Therefore, the result of judgement will objective, when the monitoring network stations increase a participant of fusion judgement node, judge monitoring system become integrated, the participants with the determination results objectively.
The monitoring network system containing several stations and a decision fusion monitoring network system can be divided into two kinds of structure ,a kind of monitoring and early warning decision-making model which composes by many stations and a fusion centre, called MDOF model.


The paper based on analysing and summarizing co-relational research results of rail traffic safety Security, and it presents systematically the traffic safety Security system which should be served as a unity including safety monitoring and early warning system, risk evaluation system and emergency rescuing system. It realizes information fusion, information sharing and technical standardization. In the paper, rail traffic safety management system and Security management system is proposed and founded to adapt to the new features nowadays. After minutely stating the detailed technical frame design of safety monitoring and early warning system, risk evaluation system and emergency rescuing system, the paper integrally presents the system frame, research contents and system constitute of safety Security system. Synthetic safety Security system can develop synthetically monitoring, forecasting, early warning, disaster prevention and rescuing strategy service function, make that it can cohere with the work of some department, such as safety operating, infrastructure maintenance, quick emergency, and give full play to the function of Security safety devices and safety monitoring system.